Department of Detal Hygiene

Training competent dental hygienists who can contribute to the improvement of national dental health
The Department of Dental Hygiene aims to train its students to become dental hygienists who can systematically and efficiently perform comprehensive dental hygiene practices according to dental hygiene theory.
First, the department trains students to become oral health professionals who contribute to the improvement of systemic health while improving the quality of life of patients by promoting oral health.
Second, the department trains its students to become clinically skilled oral health professionals who are equipped with the expertise required by industrial sites.
Third, the department trains its students to become oral health professionals who carry out preventive interventions through oral health projects for individuals and groups.
- Dentists
- General Hospitals
- Dental Clinics at Korean Armed Forces Hospitals
- Community Health Centers
- National and Public Medical Institutions
- Industrial Health Clinics
- Oral Health Research Institutes & Related Organizations
- Health Examination Centers
- Medical Non-commissioned Officers
- Oral Healthcare Product Companies
- Dental Hygienist